Research in the Laser Innovation Lab exploits nonlinear optics to produce light that spans the visible spectrum to the mid–infrared. We are always interested in collaborating with industry or other research groups – get in touch if you have a tricky problem or interesting idea!


Tuneable pulsed lasers for multi–photon microscopy

Multi-photon microscopy exploits nonlinear effects to image inside cells. Our research into low-cost sources for three-photon microscopy will enable deep-tissue imaging for neuroscience, embryology and oncology.


Mid–infrared single-photon generation

Single-photon imaging and sensing in the mid-infrared will open up quantum enhancements for applications such as remote sensing, communications and biomedical imaging.


Hunting exoplanets using frequency combs

Astronomical spectrographs require precision wavelength calibration to identify Doppler shifts in starlight caused by orbiting planets. We are developing mode-resolvable frequency combs for spectrographs at SALT and the ELT.